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Procurement and department generally review multiple versions prior to issue.From date of solicitation issue to Pre-Bid Conference10 calendar days7 calendar days (not counting holidays)èapp-47-0420 (3) reasonable timeAllow time for adequate vendor review, determination by vendor whether work scope is a match for their company; allow time for vendors to adjust their schedules to attend. Allows adequate time for advertising and outreach.From date of Pre-Bid Conference to last day for vendor questions/substitution requests5 business days3 business daysAllows vendors time to get questions and substitution requests together and maximizes competition.From the last day for vendor questions to final addendum3 business days2 business days.Allows adequate time for compiling questions, obtaining answers, creating/proofreading the addendum, and posting to ORPIN. More time may be required if posting new or altered plans/drawingsFinal Addendum to Bids Due5 calendar days72 hours. Must state in solicitationèapp-47-0430 ITB-C: èapp-49-0250Allow adequate time for vendor review and feedback, consideration of any changes which would affect a proposal. The more significant the amended change, the greater the number of days necessary. Date of Issue to Due Date2-4 weeks14 calendar days (close only T, W, TH) between 2:00PM 5:00PMèapp-49-0200 (G)All of the above1st Tier Subcontractor, GFE Form 1 and GFE Form 2 for Purchasing Review72 hours48 hoursAllow time for P&C to perform responsiveness checkRecommendation to Award24 hours ASAP Following receipt of responsibility checkNotice of Intent to Award24 hours ASAP Following receipt of signed recommendation to award     June 18, 2013 $,-<IZis}ijvj[O[[O[Chv@OJQJ^Jh`@OJQJ^Jhvhn#@OJQJ^Jh@OJQJ^Jhvh@OJQJ^Jhvhv@OJQJ^Jhvhv@OJQJ^Jhvhv5:OJQJ^J hy5:CJ OJQJ^JaJ &hvh5:CJ OJQJ^JaJ &hvhSR5:CJ OJQJ^JaJ &hvhv5:CJ OJQJ^JaJ - : C x   & { $+&`#$/Ifgd6\FfFf]$$+&`#$/Ifa$gd>.gdv$a$gd`     ` z { M N O n öésss`ӖPhc@CJOJQJ^JaJ$h>.hy@CJOJQJ^JaJ$h>.h@CJOJQJ^JaJh6\@CJOJQJ^JaJ$h>.h"&@CJOJQJ^JaJh>.hyOJQJ^Jhy5:OJQJ^Jh>.hy5:OJQJ^Jh>.h"&OJQJ^Jh>.h"&5:OJQJ^Jh>.h@H5:OJQJ^J{ N $+&`#$/Ifgd>.N O $kd$$Iflr< (*4<  x  t 6`+0<644 lap2yt>.O $$+&`#$/Ifa$gdc$$+&`#$/Ifa$gd>.$+&`#$/Ifgd>.   + , ; = T a ڽ}jjWڽjJh>.hOJQJ^J$h>.h6\@CJOJQJ^JaJ$h>.h@CJOJQJ^JaJh>.hbgOJQJ^Jh_@CJOJQJ^JaJ$h>.hbg@CJOJQJ^JaJhbg@CJOJQJ^JaJh>.h"&OJQJ^Jh6\@CJOJQJ^JaJ$h>.h"&@CJOJQJ^JaJ$h>.h|@CJOJQJ^JaJ $kd$$Iflr< (*4<  x  t 6`+0<644 lap2yt>.  , < = $+&`#$/Ifgd6\$$+&`#$/Ifa$gd>.$+&`#$/Ifgd>. 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